RDK / Business to Business:

It can be challenging in today’s economic climate to drive improvements in DSO and aging while balancing the need to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. Often the 80/20 rule in your portfolio creates an imbalance in the allocation of resources and costs against larger, more strategic customers, making advancements in aging, dispute resolution, and cash recoveries more difficult to obtain. Our services are developed from over 25 years of Accounts Receivable Management experience with a focus on higher efficiency processes and exceptional customer care. We help you overcome challenges while driving improved revenues and higher customer satisfaction.

                                                       We’re a part of your team!

Working with you, RDK acts as a true extension of your customer service, credit, and accounts receivable groups by providing a dedicated person that is knowledgeable about your company’s policies and procedures. We enable a disciplined account management and accounts receivable process by capturing customer insights to determine root causes for “drivers of delinquency.” We also provide a closed loop analysis to drive the resolution process and shape best practices from information learned across your business.

                                                     Customer Payment Services

Our account specialists optimize delinquency cures by using a customer-centric approach that ensures full regulatory compliance while treating the customer with courtesy, empathy, and respect.

In addition, our closed loop approach ensures we identify the “drivers of delinquency” and work with you to eliminate as many as possible to further mitigate your revenue risk and improve the customer experience.

                                                    Accounts Receivable Services

Once a customer is delinquent, we will assist you with a plan to employ best-in-class recovery processes that maximize revenue recovery while positively managing compliance and the customer experience to ensure the appropriate outcome for all parties.

                                                         Customer Experience

Creating a deeply satisfying customer experience is the cornerstone of our get/keep/grow strategy for successful customer management. A positive customer experience drives retention.